Recently, Basis Point, an authoritative medium subordinated to Reuters, published its rankings of financial institutions in terms of syndicated loan in 2012, in which Bank of China took the first place as mandated arranger and bookrunner in Asia Pacific market in 2012 with completion of a total of 155 syndicated projects and a total amount of USD 21.3 billion.

Syndicated loan, as one of the most important financing methods in international financial market, could effectively reduce concentrated risk and save the capital. BOC has taken the lead to set up professional teams in China to launch syndicated loan business as of the early 1980s. The bank set up Asia Pacific, Europe-Africa and America syndicated loan centers in 2007 and became the director bank of Syndicated Loan and Trade Committee of China Banking Association in 2010.

In addition to such good results in Asia Pacific, BOC firstly ranked the 20th place in American syndicated loan market in 2012, being the only Chinese-funded bank among all top 20 selected banks, which is a breakthrough in the market concentrated with a great number of global mainstream commercial banks. Additionally, BOC's Europe-Africa syndicated center continued to play a professional role in structured finance and syndicated loan arrangement, and completed many projects for customers of Europe-Africa market in 2012.

BOC will continue to adhere to a philosophy of strengthening and advocating of syndicated loan and an objective of maintenance of syndicated loan and trade market order, thus promoting the sustainable and healthy development of syndicated loan business.

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