Publicly-held Company
CNPJ 62.144.175/0001-20
Clarification for the CVM Official Letter - GAE 0029-14
São Paulo, January 10, 2014 - PINE (BM&FBOVESPA: PINE4), a wholesale bank focused on establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with large corporate clients and investors, clarifies the CVM Official Letter GAE 0029-14, about the news published on January 7, 2013, in the Valor Econômico newspaper under the title "Midsized Banks' liquidity may reduce earnings in 2014".
Its worth to mention that the Company received the letter referred above on January 9, 2014, and, therefore, these explanations are being provided within the required deadline.
With regard specifically to the statements attributed to the Company's CEO about credit growth ranging between 10% and 15% for the year 2014, noteworthy to clarify that this number refers to expected growth of the credit market as a whole, not a projection or guidance and not having such data been based on any study or quantitative projections.
Thus, have not been a projection and prepared based on any study, the Company's management emphasizes that this number might not be achieved and therefore investors should not base their investment decisions in the Company on this information. PINE remains available for any further clarification.
BANCO PINE S.A. Harumi Susana Ueta Waldeck Investor Relations Officer
For additional information, please contact:
PINE - Investor Relations
Av. das Nações Unidas 8.501 - 30º andar - São Paulo
Phone: +55 (11) 3372-5343

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