Auriant announced that effective from January 18th the Chukotka Management Contract (an agreement to manage and develop Valunisty Mine LLC and Kanchalano-Amguemskaya Square LLC (KAP)) is terminated by mutual agreement. Auriant will be paid $2,100,000 under the termination agreements, including compensation for termination. The total amount of fee income earned by Auriant under the agreement in 2015 amounts to $3.6 million.

The company reported preliminary production results for the year 2015. For the period, the company achieved its production target at Tardan and produced 817 kg of hard rock gold, which is 21% more than in 2014. Average 2015 grade at Tardan was 3.03 g/t compared to 1.72 g/t in 2014, an increase of 76%. This improvement in grade and the re-launch of the gravitational plant has allowed the company to increase Tardan's production in 2015 and reduce costs. Auriant plans further increase in grades in 2016 up to 20% and correspondingly increase in production, which is expected to reach 1 tone.