Aubay Group reported full-year growth of +2.6% in 2012, with revenues of over € 190 million just falling shy of its initial target of € 193 million.

The end to 2012 was a little less dynamic than previous quarters in terms of revenues due to a high base effect and persistent wait-and-see approach amongst clients, notably within the banking industry. Ever vigilant in adapting production to demand, Aubay pursued its prudent recruitment policy in 2012, finishing the year with 2,674 employees which is stable on the end of the third quarter.

Thanks to robust activity over the second half of the year, Aubay's current operating margin for the period will be close to 9.5%. The group will exceed its initial objective in terms of operating profitability, and is now targeting a current operating income of around € 15.4 million for a current operating margin of 8.1%.


Despite a persistently uncertain economic climate, Aubay Group has begun 2013 on a solid footing: operating indicators are sound and, more particularly, activity is still very high. 

Aubay's priority now is to focus on three core strategic areas: maintaining an excellent quality of service for and relations with its clients, ensuring the strict management of its financial equilibrium, and mobilizing its management and HR teams to enable it to rapidly capitalize on a potential acceleration in the volume of client orders, notably in the banking sector.

The group's forecasts for 2013 will be presented during the SFAF meeting for its 2012 financial results on March 21.

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