WaterBit chose AT&T to provide highly secure connectivity to its autonomous irrigation solution. The smart irrigation solution helps farmers increase yield and conserve resources. In-field data collection of soil moisture and nutrients gives farmers near real-time insight into crop conditions. Integrating data collection with WaterBit's cloud-based software lets growers monitor and analyze soil moisture, as well as plan and control irrigation with pinpoint accuracy. WaterBit sends data from multiple field locations to one central network gateway hub. The hub is not disruptive to field operations. It can be installed at an off-field location and spans over a 1.5 mile range. The gateway uses AT&T Global SIM card and Internet of Things (IoT) Services like Control Center to securely send data to the WaterBit cloud. Data is updated every 15 minutes, around the clock. And users can access it and control irrigation from virtually anywhere via a mobile-friendly app. By optimizing water use, growers can boost crop quality and yield. Not over-watering saves fuel and equipment costs. And it conserves an important natural resource water.