AT&T has turned on the reliable 4G LTE network in Cedar Rapids, bringing customers the latest generation of wireless network technology. Several of the benefits AT&T 4G LTE provides, including: Faster speeds. LTE technology is capable of delivering mobile Internet speeds up to 10 times faster than 3G.

Customers can stream, download, upload and game faster than ever before. Reliability. AT&T not only has the nation's 4G LTE network, but now also has the most reliable 4G LTE network.

Based on analysis of Nielsen data, AT&T has the success rate for delivering mobile content across nationwide 4G LTE networks. Cool new devices. AT&T offers several LTE-compatible devices, including new AT&T 4G LTE smartphones and tablets.

Faster response time. LTE technology offers lower latency, or the processing time it takes to move data through a network, such as how long it takes to start downloading a webpage or file once sent the request. Lower latency helps to improve services like mobile gaming, two-way video calling and telemedicine.

More efficient use of spectrum. Wireless spectrum is a finite resource, and LTE uses spectrum more efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience.