ARway Corporation is disrupting the Augmented Reality Wayfinding market with a no-code, no beacon spatial computing platform enabled by visual marker tracking. ARway is pushing the envelope of what's possible by launching the Company's new Image Access Point technology. Image recognition and tracking for localization and wayfinding is newly developed technology that uses computer vision to trigger from a brand image or logo.

Developers can now pre-select which images will serve as AR triggers, also known as Image Access Points. The Company plans to file an application to have this technology patented in Q1, 2023. ARway Corp.

believes that this breakthrough technology has significant revenue implications in advertising and adds to ARway's value proposition, transcending from a wayfinding tool into an advertising platform which activates off of brand logos. Image Access Point technology allows smartphones to utilize advanced Computer Vision to recognize 2D images, activating an augmented reality (AR) map and experiences linked to that specific location. By using advanced computer vision technology, it can detect and augment images, providing a seamless and engaging experience for users.

Previously, ARway experiences could only be accessed by scanning QR codes, but with this new technology, any 2D image such as posters, logos, ad banners, etc can now serve as a trigger. This is particularly powerful for brands with a strong presence as it enables them to use their own brand logos and ads as entry points into the real world metaverse, positioning their brand as a leader in innovation. Industries and markets that can benefit from this technology include retail and shopping malls, sports stadiums, airports, hospitals, advertising, events and trade shows, art galleries and museums, entertainment, hospitality and more.

One example of how it can be used is by implementing a store promotion ad banner as an Image Access Point. When scanned, it triggers an AR wayfinding path that guides shoppers directly to the store with the promotion. This not only helps shoppers navigate the store but also increases the chances of them visiting the promoted store, thus increasing the likelihood of sales.

Image Access Point technology can also meet a variety of needs for customers. It can increase brand recognition, engagement and interaction by using existing 2D visual content as Image Access Points. It can increase the rate of engagement with the ad or product displayed in the Image Access Point.

It can also utilize existing 2D visual content to expand map access, resulting in more foot traffic to POIs in the map. Reusing existing 2D visual content as Image Access Points can save money, time, and resources otherwise spent on creating new QR codes. Additionally, it can scale map success by inviting more serendipitous visitors who discover the 2D image is a portal to an AR map.

ARway Corp. recently announced a significant upgrade to its spatial computing Software Developer Kit (SDK) with the release of version 2.0. Launching the SDK and its latest updates contributes to the expansion of ARway as a major player in the spatial computing and wayfinding market. The launch of version 2.0 SDK marks the completion of the last major component of the AR wayfinding and spatial computing platform.

The full ARway platform offering consists of the ARway app - for spatial mapping, The Creator Portal - for content management and analytics, and The ARwayKit SDK - for custom apps and integrations. The ARway SDK is being offered as a SaaS platform or can be used in limited ways for free with the ARway watermark.