Ardelyx, Inc. announced that, in an effort to preserve patient access to its phosphate absorption inhibitor XPHOZAH (tenapanor), the Company has chosen not to apply to include XPHOZAH in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS) Transitional Drug Add-on Payment Adjustment (TDAPA). Ardelyx?s analysis of the CMS policy to include oral-only medicines in the PPS and the Calendar Year 2025 ESRD PPS Proposed Rule released on June 27, 2024, revealed that the policy and the manner in which CMS intends to implement it are likely to cause significant restrictions on the use of XPHOZAH for all patients, irrespective of insurance coverage, because it interferes with the essential and appropriate shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and their patients. XPHOZAH was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in October 2023 to reduce serum phosphorus in adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis as add-on therapy in patients who have an inadequate response to phosphate binders or who are intolerant of any dose of phosphate binder therapy.

80% of patients with CKD on dialysis require prescription therapy to lower elevated levels of serum phosphorus. Phosphate binders are not sufficient for a majority of patients to achieve and maintain phosphorus levels within target range. XPHOZAH is a single tablet taken twice daily that offers a first-in-class mechanism of action that blocks phosphate absorption through its primary pathway.