Archer Materials Limited has achieved a long-term biochip technology development goal to fabricate an operational liquid-gated graphene field effect transistor ("gFET"). Archer's biochip innovation aims to integrate gFETs into advanced microfluidic systems to create miniaturised lab-on-a-chip device platforms for medical diagnostics. In particular, the integration of gFETs with on-chip microfluidics to potentially enable multiplexing, i.e., the ability
to parallelise the detection of multiple biologically relevant targets in droplet-size liquid samples on a chip. gFETs offer an ultrasensitive approach to analyte detection over conventional electronic sensors used in current lab-on-a-chip devices. The gFET device is the sensing component that will be used for digitising biologically relevant signals, like those from target analytes of viruses or bacteria, and it is a foundational feature of
Archer's `lab-on-a-chip' biochip technology.