A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S – Transactions in connection with share buy-back program

On 24 May 2019, A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (the Company) announced a share buy-back program in compliance with the EU Commission Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (MAR) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 (the “Safe Harbour Regulation”). The share buy-back program of up to DKK 10bn was to be executed during a 15-month period beginning 4 June 2019. The first phase of the program was initiated on 4 June 2019 and completed on 25 September 2019.

During the second phase of the program running from 26 September 2019 up to 28 February 2020, the Company will buy-back A and B shares for an amount of up to DKK 3.3bn.

The following transactions have been made under the program in the period 20 January 2020 to 24 January 2020:

 Number of
A shares
Average purchase
price A shares, DKK
Transaction value,
A shares, DKK
Accumulated, last announcement142,447 1,080,972,845
20 January 20206068,230.95244,987,957
21 January 20206518,146.55065,303,404
22 January 20206598,105.84385,341,751
23 January 20206558,060.00005,279,300
24 January 20207528,103.54796,093,868
Accumulated in second phase of the program57,698 479,171,960
Accumulated under the program145,770 1,107,979,125
 Number of
B shares
Average purchase
price B shares, DKK
Transaction value,
B shares, DKK
Accumulated last announcement569,816 4,596,079,259
20 January 20202,4608,683.166721,360,590
21 January 20202,5428,589.922621,835,583
22 January 20202,6248,563.432522,470,447
23 January 20202,7068,523.213323,063,815
24 January 20202,9608,605.624425,472,648
Accumulated in second phase of the program230,780 2,039,413,189
Accumulated under the program583,108 4,710,282,342

With the transactions stated above, the Company owns a total of 145,770 A shares and 633,914 B shares as treasury shares, corresponding to 3.75% of the share capital.

Details of each transaction are included as appendix.

Copenhagen, 27 January 2020

Contact persons:

Head of Investor Relations, Stig Frederiksen, tel. +45 3363 3106

Head of Media Relations, Signe Wagner, tel. +45 3363 1901       

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  • Announcement - Transactions in connection with share buy-back program - week 4
  • Daily transactions in connection with share buy-back program - week 4

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