Anonymous Intelligence Company Inc. announced the security features that will be included in the upcoming beta release. To address concerns surrounding privacy and data security, ANON has developed cutting-edge security features for Given the potential risks to user data in today's AI applications, ANON aims to mitigate these concerns with its innovative security measures.

One of the key features introduced in the beta release is proprietary word mixing, which obfuscates the names, places, and a proprietary list of terms used by Chat GPT to protect the original person's voice. To further enhance security, utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and a secure tunnel to establish a connection with the ANON servers. This server then communicates with Chat GPT, obfuscating the user's IP address.

ANON prioritizes safeguarding message history by implementing encryption at rest across its databases and servers. In the event of a server breach, hackers will not be able to gain access to the data. Additionally, user information is cryptographically encoded within the pre-existing encrypted databases, providing an additional layer of protection and obfuscation.

Account deletion is another important security feature within When a user deletes its account, the associated key is simultaneously erased, guaranteeing that no data is stored or harvested for potential future use or sale. Looking ahead, has several additional features in the pipeline.

Encrypted sharing, work chat capabilities and user group building with encryption for users coming and going will be introduced to provide enhanced privacy and security. Unlike other privacy-enabled apps, is designed to make encryption seamless without compromising functionality. Furthermore, is developing its own in-house AI technology stack, eliminating the need for data sharing with third parties.

This feature will be third-party verified as secure, similar to the Proton suite of products. The public beta release of on October 26 marks a significant milestone for ANON in revolutionizing the AI and data technology industry. ANON's commitment to privacy and security sets apart as a leading AI application, assuring users that they can confidently utilize AI technology without compromising personal data.