01/23/2014Russell Price

By most appearances businesses are still somewhat reluctant to hire. However, one thing that businesses are even more reluctant to do…is fire.

New hiring activity across the U.S. economy is still a bit softer than we would all like to see it. However, layoff activity, as measured by the Labor Department's layoffs and discharge rate, is currently at the lowest level ever recorded for this measure first introduced in 2000. In other words, U.S. labor markets appear to be in an odd state of limbo where aggregate demand is growing just fast enough to keep businesses clinging tightly to their current employees, yet productivity improvements are allowing them to contain their new hiring amid ongoing economic uncertainty.

We also like to describe it as a situation where businesses are hiring for current demand only, rather than growth initiatives.

Note: The layoff rate is layoffs as a percentage of total employment, as sourced from the Labor Department.


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The Labor Market from a Different Angle
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