American Patriot Oil & Gas Limited advised that Mr. David Shaw has resigned as a Director with effect from February 15, 2019. The board of the company announced the appointment of Mr. Timothy Broadfoot as a Non-Executive Director of American Patriot Oil and Gas Ltd. (AOW). Timothy has had experience in several industries. Starting his professional career with his internship in the mining and contract service industry at McMahon holdings as a taxation accountant assistant, Timothy then began working in the construction products and building industry, quickly progressing to General Manager of a successful growing company. In 2018, Timothy moved to Sydney NSW to broaden his experiences and continued his career as a Financial Analyst and Business Manager. Tim is a Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors and of the Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand. With the resignation of Mr. David Shaw, the board announced the appointment of Mr. Richard Cooney as Chairman of American Patriot Oil and Gas Limited.