Alstom's Combined Shareholders' Meeting took place 20 June 2024, under the Chairmanship of Henri Poupart-Lafarge, and was broadcasted live on Alstom's website. The Combined Shareholders' Meeting approved all the proposed resolutions, including the annual accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024, the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer as well as all the resolutions related to the delegations of authority and financial authorizations granted to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the Combined Shareholders' Meeting renewed the mandate as Board member of Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec, represented by Ms. Kim Thomassin, and also approved the appointments of Mr. Jay Walder and Mr. Philippe Petitcolin, as Board members for a four-year term. As announced on November 15, 2023, the Board of Directors, which met immediately after the Combined Shareholders' Meeting, split the functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the Group. It has appointed Mr. Philippe Petitcolin as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the duration of his term as Board member, the position as Chief Executive Officer being fulfilled by Mr. Henri Poupart-Lafarge for the duration of his term as Board member. The Board of Directors also renewed Mr. Benoit Raillard as Observer for a
new four-year term. The Board of Directors paid tribute to the contribution of Henri Poupart-Lafarge as Chairman over the last 8 years, during which Alstom has achieved a clear leadership of its sector. Alstom's Board of Directors is now composed of 12 Board members: Mr. Henri Poupart-Lafarge, who also serves as Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Philippe Petitcolin, who is also Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bpifrance
Investissement, represented by Mr. José Gonzalo, Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec, represented by Ms. Kim Thomassin, Ms. Bi Yong Chungunco, Ms. Clotilde Delbos, Mr. Daniel Garcia Molina (Board member
representing employees), Mr. Gilles Guilbon (Board member representing employees), Ms. Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy, Mr. Baudouin Prot, Ms. Sylvie Rucar and Mr. Jay Walder.