Press release

Changes in shareholder structure at Alpha PetroVision

St. Gallen, 19 August 2014 - Alpha PetroVision Holding AG (APV, SIX:APHN) has been notified by its majority shareholder ACEPS Holding AG that ACEPS Holding AG will be exercising its option to obtain at least 40 million APV shares. This will necessitate the issuance of shares from the authorized share capital created at the General Meeting

on 26 March 2014.

Alpha PetroVision Holding AG (APV) has been notified by its majority shareholder ACEPS Holding AG (ACEPS) that ACEPS has not been able to reach agreement with Innoven Partenaires SA (IPSA) on the final price for the acquisition, agreed at the end of 2011, of shares in the former Rock Well Petroleum held at the time by IPSA which ACEPS transferred to APV in 2012 in exchange for APV shares.
At the same time, APV has announced to IPSA and its holding company ACG Private Equity that it will be enforcing its claim for a sum of around CHF 5 million from the sale of Innoven's fund business, also agreed in 2011. IPSA and ACG have so far failed to make good on this obligation. Despite intensive efforts on the part of ACEPS and APV it has so far not been possible to find a solution satisfactory to all sides. As a result, during the transformation phase, APV has had to finance itself primarily by means of loans made available by ACEPS.
Since there has been no agreement between the parties, IPSA has declared its intention of selling in the market the 42'290'231 APV shares owned by ACEPS lodged as security for the acquisition price. In this connection, ACEPS has informed APV that to safeguard its majority interest in APV it will be exercising the right conferred on it, ACEPS, in connection with its loan, to convert the outstanding amount of the loan into APV shares at the price of CHF 0.14 per share. This will necessitate the issuance of shares from the authorized share capital created at the General Meeting on 26 March 2014. This would free APV of debt and mean it no longer owed interest to ACEPS.
APV will provide further information on this when it publishes its half-year results on 3
September 2014.

Alpha PetroVision Holding AG Dufourpark/Rötelistr. 16 CH-9000 St.Gallen

Telefon +41 71 388 90 00 Fax +41 71 388 90 09

Media contact:

Andreas Hildenbrand Lemongrass Communications Tel: +41 44 202 52 68

Additional information:

Alpha PetroVision Holding AG Dufourpark / Rötelistrasse 16
CH - 9000 St. Gallen Tel: +41 71 388 90 00

Alpha PetroVision Holding AG Dufourpark/Rötelistr. 16 CH-9000 St.Gallen

Telefon +41 71 388 90 00 Fax +41 71 388 90 09

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