Alithya Group inc. continues to help Balchem Corporation roll out a global deployment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to consolidate processes and realize its goal of a single technology platform. Balchem is committed to finding innovative solutions to some of the most complex problems facing the nutrition, health, and food markets. Balchem Human Nutrition & Health delivers customized ingredient systems and key minerals and nutrients for the food, supplement and pharmaceutical markets.

Balchem Animal Nutrition & Health is a global leader in choline production, nutrient encapsulation, chelated minerals, and functional ingredients. Balchem Specialty Products provides specialty-packaged chemicals for use in healthcare and other industries and provides chelated minerals to the micronutrient agricultural market. The company initiated its Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation in 2017 and has deployed finance and operations in over 20 plants across four countries and all lines of business.

Prior to Dynamics, the company had multiple enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that fostered inefficiency in providing timely, value-added data. Dynamics now gives Balchem improved financial and operational visibility because all information is in one place.