Alimera Sciences, Inc. announced that it refinanced its debt facility by entering into a new $45 million term loan agreement with its current lenders, investment affiliates managed by Solar Capital Partners, LLC, on December 31, 2019. The amount of the new funding includes an initial tranche of $42.5 million used to repay the current facility, including principal, prepayment fees and accrued interest, and another $2.5 million tranche that will be available if Alimera achieves $30.0 million in revenue for any trailing six-month period ending on or before November 30, 2020. The new loan agreement has a term of 54 months to July 1, 2024, with monthly interest-only payments to January 1, 2023, when principal amortization begins. The interest-only period may be extended an additional six months if Alimera achieves $34.5 million in revenue for any trailing six-month period ending on or before June 30, 2022.