Alaska Air Group, Inc. announced operating results for the month of December and full year ended December 31, 2019. For the month, the company reported revenue passengers of 4,097,000 against 3,696,000 a year ago. Revenue passenger miles ‘traffic’ of 4,913,000,000 compared to 4,489,000,000 a year ago. Available seat miles ‘capacity’ of 5,717,000,000 compared to 5,461,000,000 a year ago. Load factor of 85.9% compared to 82.2% in the same period of last year respectively. For the full year, the company reported revenue passengers of 46,733,000 against 45,802,000 a year ago. Revenue passenger miles ‘traffic’ of 56,040,000,000 compared to 54,673,000,000 a year ago. Available seat miles ‘capacity’ of 66,654,000,000 compared to 65,335,000,000 a year ago. Load factor of 84.1% compared to 83.7% in the same period of last year respectively.