Aladdin Healthcare Technologies SE launches its prototype 'Health Risk Assessment Tool' for COVID-19 in India - The Technology is the basis for worldwide application. Aladdin has built a Health Risk Assessment Tool (HRA) as web and mobile application to manage risk assessment in connection to COVID-19 for global use. The HRA tool combines both artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and opens up new opportunities in the management of COVID-19 risks for companies and private persons. Aladdin will first launch the technology in India. The tool is expected to be available on the market and than introduced in other countries by the end of the second quarter 2020. More specifically, the AI application provides users with a real time risk assessment of individuals infected with coronavirus. In addition, the application is able to take further steps in their treatment. For example, it shows whether doctors are available for video consultations and the nearest available hospital for treatment. At the same time, the AI suggests suitable further care measures and gives lifestyle advice. Aladdin has long been active in the important Indian market. Together with the OurHealthMate's (OHM) medical platform, Aladdin has already built a diabetic and cardiovascular risk prediction tool in India. In addition, Aladdin's services are now being used by several Fortune 500 companies in the healthcare management. OHM will also integrate the risk assessment platform into its ecosystem, that will enable Aladdin's application to be accessed by over 2,000 plus healthcare partners. These include major hospital operators and health insurance companies.