FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Some German stocks from the semiconductor sector followed the sector correction on the US stock markets on Friday. On both sides of the Atlantic, investors' appetite for technology stocks, which had recently risen sharply, declined noticeably. In Germany, this was particularly true for the shares of industry supplier Süss Microtec, which fell by 4.4 percent after their record run and suffered from profit-taking.

However, other sector stocks also felt the effects of the correction on the Nasdaq stock exchange the previous evening, particularly chip stocks, for which a lot of sector fantasy had recently been priced in. A prime example of this is the shares of Nvidia, which fell by 5.6 percent in New York.

In Germany, Infineon shares also followed this weakness, losing around 0.9% on Friday. In the MDax, the share price of equipment manufacturer Aixtron fell by 1.7 percent. In the USA, Applied Materials, an industry supplier, also fell particularly sharply by more than five percent./tih/jha/