European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. announced that its Board of Directors has designated Tom Enders to take over the role of CEO when Louis Gallois steps down at the end of his mandate. Concurrently, Arnaud Lagard-re will assume the role of Chairman of the Board presently held by Bodo Uebber. Fabrice Br-gier will succeed Tom Enders and become CEO of Airbus, EADS' largest division, and G-nter Butschek, presently Head of Operations of Airbus will be affected to the position of COO of Airbus. Harald Wilhelm will become Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of EADS, alongside his present role as CFO of Airbus, following the request of Hans Peter Ring to retire from the company and pursue other objectives. Hans Peter Ring will be preparing his successor for this transition over the next months, and will remain close to him as a senior advisor until the end of 2012. Thierry Baril will assume the role of Head of Human Resources (HR) for EADS; he will retain his duties as Head of Airbus HR together with his expanded responsibility. Jussi It-vuori leaves the company after ten years as Head of HR for EADS. He continues to represent EADS in the Board of Directors of Patria in Finland.