Air France is up nearly 5% on the Paris Bourse after today's IATA study on air market forecasts.

IATA reports that net profits for the airline industry should reach $25.7 billion in 2024 (2.7% net profit margin). This will be a slight improvement on 2023, which is expected to generate a net profit of $23.3 billion (net profit margin of 2.6%).

Operating profits for the airline industry are expected to reach $49.3 billion in 2024, compared with $40.7 billion in 2023.

Total revenues in 2024 are expected to rise by 7.6% year-on-year to a record $964 billion.

Nearly 4.7 billion people are expected to travel in 2024, an all-time record that exceeds the pre-pandemic level of 4.5 billion recorded in 2019, adds IATA.
''From 2024 onwards, the outlook indicates that we can expect more normal growth patterns for passengers and cargo,'' said Willie Walsh, IATA Director General.

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