15 January 2021 - Aega ASA has appointed Ingebrikt Bjørkhaug as the company's
chief financial officer (CFO).

"Given the extensive growth last year and future plans for Aega, it is the right
time to strengthen the company's administration. Bringing Mr. Bjørkhaug onboard
will allow me to allocate even more time to value-creating business development
work," says Nils P. Skaset, CEO of Aega.

Ingebrikt Bjørkhaug is an experienced finance manager who has held CFO roles for
both Gabler and Convene Group (formerly Melin Group) in the past. He has also
spent several years at EY's transaction advisory services business. Bjørkhaug
holds a master's degrees in finance as well as accounting and auditing from the
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Bjørkhaug will join Aega on 1 April 2021.

Further, Aega's board of directors has made Nils Petter Skaset's CEO role
permanent. Skaset was initially appointed as interim CEO with effect from 1
February 2020.


For further information

Nils P. Skaset, CEO of Aega ASA, tel: +47 951 88 154, e-mail: ceo@aega.no

About AEGA

Aega ASA is a Norwegian listed investment company. The company focuses on
acquisitions of smaller existing solar parks in Italy. In addition to being an
industrial player in Italy, Aega also considers financial investments within the
renewable energy sector.

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