Aeeris Limited the signing of its first agreement in New Zealand, the Early Warning Network is extending its monitoring and alerting service to cover both North and South Islands for all weather and other natural hazards. The extension of EWN's service to cover New Zealand does not require any additional resourcing. The ease with which EWN can scale both geographically, or by end user, is made possible by the Company's proprietary Geographic Notification and Information System (GNIS). With this agreement, the business introduces to New Zealand an entirely unique blend of technology, experience and expertise. The roll out of EWN's standard service also provides the presence to introduce other solutions which are highly relevant to New Zealand, such as the Intelligent Flood Alerting System. This capability delivers an end to end, automated flash flood alerting system utilised by emergency management with warnings automatically issued to the public. Residents within the catchment area opt-in to receive warnings via an App, SMS, email and phone, or through the website. In addition, the Company has recently added customers from both the insurance industry and local government. EWN services are subscription based, and every customer win adds to its growing annuity revenue stream.