Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced that On January 28, 2019 it received a $200,000 loan from John Schutte, which combined with earlier loans, total $4.55 million in loans from Mr. Schutte. In connection with the $200,000 loan, and issued a promissory note, or the Schutte Note, in that principal amount to him. The Schutte Note bears interest at prime plus 2%, and matures on January 2, 2020, at which time all principal and interest is due. Events of Default under the Schutte Note include bankruptcy events and failure to pay interest and principal when due. The note is secured by a security interest in all of assets. The Schutte Note may be prepaid in whole or part at any time. These terms are the same as the terms for the $4.35 million loans previously received from Mr. Schutte.