ACCIONA Energía has increased its portfolio of corporate clients it supplies with renewable energy through a contract to supply Unilever in España during 2018. The contract with the food, hygiene and home care products multinational covers the delivery of 23 gigawatt-hours/year (GWh/year) to cover the electricity demand of all the company's work centers in Spain. Like all the energy marketed by ACCIONA, the power supplied to Unilever will be 100% renewable, certified by the Spanish Competition and Markets Authority (CNMC). The use of clean energy at the volume indicated will avoid the emission of around 22,100 tonnes of CO2, the main cause of global warming and climate change, from coal-fired power stations. With this contract, ACCIONA strengthens its business of the sale of energy to major clients in the Iberian market, where it is already a key player and the biggest in terms of exclusively renewable energy. In 2017 it supplied around 5,000 gigawatt-hours in this market segment, and expects to increase this figure by 18% over this year.