STORY: A weakened South African President Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in for a second term in office on Wednesday (June 19).

His party, the African National Congress, was humbled in a May 29 election, and now shares power with five other parties.

At a ceremony in the capital Pretoria, Ramaphosa told crowds that the voice of the people had been heard.

"The people of South Africa have stressed that they are impatient with political bickering and the endless blame game among politicians and political parties. They want us to put their needs and aspirations first and they want us to work together for the sake of our country."

Voters punished the ANC for its record on issues including the economy, crime, power cuts and corruption.

In Pretoria on Wednesday, Chief Apostle Khumalo of the Amantungwa Royal Kingdom said his biggest wish was for the president to be honest.

"Honesty, nothing else be honest. Politicians, be honest. Don't gamble with the lives of South African citizens because next time, they will not tolerate it."

The ANC remains South Africa's largest party, followed by the pro-business Democratic Alliance which has joined it in government.

It is a critic of the ANC's record in office and a party that has struggled to shake its image as a defender of white privilege.

Investors have welcomed the inclusion of the DA, which wants to boost growth through structural reforms and prudent fiscal programs.

Analysts, however, have warned that sharp ideological differences could make the government unstable.