FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After the setback of the previous day, the German stock market opened with moderate gains in the middle of the week. The Dax rose by 0.47 percent to 18,249.96 points in the first few minutes of trading. The MDax rose by 0.54 percent to 25,261.51 points. The EuroStoxx, the leading eurozone index, rose by around 0.7 percent.

On Tuesday, the Dax had fallen to 18,030 points before a few buyers were found again in the afternoon. On the upside, the aim is to surpass the previous day's high of 18,286 points and the 21-day line nine points above it. As on Tuesday, the momentum of US technology stocks could help. In addition to generally strong semiconductor stocks, Tesla in particular stood out with a price increase of a good 10 percent. Investors thus rewarded unexpectedly good delivery figures in the first quarter. Nevertheless, uncertainty remains with regard to the political situation in France.

Analyst Thomas Altmann from QC Partners sees statements made by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell at the central bankers' meeting in Sintra, Portugal, as the most important price driver for Wall Street the previous evening. "Particularly in view of the comments on the cooling labour market and the risks of a late first rate cut, investors see their expectations of a first rate cut in September confirmed," emphasized Altmann./edh/nas