FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - On the last trading day before Christmas, the Dax could make a new attempt to reach the round mark of 14,000 points. The broker IG valued the German benchmark index on Friday just under two hours before the Xetra start with plus 0.34 percent to 13 962 points.

The limit on the downside is currently the 50-day line, which is an indicator of the medium-term trend at 13,886 points. After a stock market week with significant price fluctuations, triggered again by central bank decisions, the Dax is currently moderately positive on a weekly basis.

On the previous day, it had initially abandoned the recovery path it had embarked on in midweek after rising to almost 14,161 points, mainly because robust U.S. economic data had once again increased fears of rising interest rates. Prices on the U.S. stock market therefore came under pressure, but were able to stem the losses by the end of trading./ajx/jha/