FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After the significant gains of the previous day, the German stock market continued its upward trend on Thursday. The Dax rose by 0.31 percent to 18,430.96 points in the first few minutes of trading, after gaining around 1.2 percent the day before. The MDax gained 0.51 percent to 25,524.16 points on Thursday morning. The EuroStoxx, the leading eurozone index, rose by around 0.3 percent.

Positive cues again came from the US technology stock exchange Nasdaq, where the leading indices Nasdaq 100 and Nasdaq Composite had reached record highs the day before in a shortened trading session. There will be no trading in the USA this Thursday due to a public holiday. Experience has shown that this is also likely to lead to relatively low turnover on the German stock exchange. However, it does not necessarily have to be sluggish, because in a thin market even significantly fewer purchases and sales can lead to stronger movements./edh/mis