Officials had summoned the ambassador to "make clear we do not accept the sheer brutality of Russia's recent attacks against civilians in Dnipro," Joly told reporters in Toronto.

The attack on an apartment building in Dnipro on Saturday was the deadliest for civilians since the start of a three-month Russian missile bombardment campaign.

Ukraine says the building was struck by a Russian Kh-22 missile. The Kremlin has said its wave of missile strikes on Saturday did not target residential buildings.

Canada, like other Western nations, has slapped broad sanctions on Russia over its invasion in Ukraine, and Joly said Ottawa would continue to hold Moscow accountable. Earlier on Wednesday, Canada announced the supply of 200 Senator armored personnel carriers as part of its military assistance to Ukraine.

"We will continue to suffocate the Russian regime with coordinated sanctions and we will continue to counter Russian lies with facts," Joly, speaking alongside British Foreign Minister James Cleverly, said.

Cleverly echoed his Canadian counterpart's comments about continued support for Ukraine. He was in Toronto after visiting Washington, where he met the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday.

The Canadian and British militaries are also training new Ukrainian recruits in the UK, and Joly said more Canadian experts would soon be joining the British government's information cell to fight against what she described as Russian disinformation.

(Reporting by Ismail Shakil in Ottawa; Additional reporting by Steve Scherer; Editing by Chris Reese and Bradley Perrett)

By Ismail Shakil