A $3.6 billion tab. S&P Global Ratings estimated on Friday that the cost of the shutdown to the US economy could reach $3.6 billion. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Monday that the partial paralysis of the US federal administrations – now the longest in the country's history - could be ended “in 15 minutes" by the Democrats.

No backstop. The EU refuses to put a time limit on the backstop, despite repeated demands from the UK. Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, told the BBC that the government was “unlikely” to win the vote on May’s Brexit deal tomorrow. He added that a no-deal Brexit would be “survivable”, and preferable to cancelling Brexit. Nigel Dodds, deputy leader of the Democratic Unionist Party which props up May’s government, said in a statement the prime minister has failed to secure legally binding assurances from the EU on the backstop and that “nothing has changed.”

In other news. Donald Trump warned Turkey on Sunday of an economic disaster in the event of an attack on the Kurds after the next withdrawal of US troops from Syria. He also called on the Kurds not to "provoke" Ankara. Juan Guaido, the Speaker of the Venezuelan Parliament was arrested on Sunday for nearly an hour by the intelligence services. The Zimbabwean government decided to double fuel prices on Sunday in an attempt to stem its worst oil shortage in ten years.