STORY: :: Anti-Conservative voters celebrate an exit poll which

predicts a massive majority for the Labour Party

:: London

:: July 4, 2024

:: Pranay Manocha, Anti-conservative voter

"The exit poll is just amazing. I mean, fourteen years of tory (Conservative) chaos and we are finally out of it, and we are out of it with a huge bang. I mean 410 seats for Labour is just amazing."

:: David Boughton, Anti-conservative voter

"I'm really pleased. I'm cautiously optimistic that we're going to have some competent governance moving forward, that's all I hope for."

The election viewing party taking place at Fire nightclub in central London was hosted by an anti-Conservative group called 'Stop The Tories', who encourage voters to vote tactically and vote swap to ensure that the ruling Conservative Party fails to extend its 14 years in government.

Centre-left Labour was on course to capture 410 of the 650 seats in parliament, an astonishing reversal of fortunes from five years ago when it suffered its worst performance since 1935. The result would give Labour a majority of 170 and would bring the curtain down on 14 years of increasingly tumultuous Conservative-led government.

The centrist Liberal Democrats were predicted to capture 61 seats while the right-wing populist Reform UK party, headed by Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage who had pledged to destroy the Conservatives, was forecast to win 13.

While the prediction for Reform was far better than expected, the overall outcome suggests the disenchanted British public appears to have shifted support to the centre-left, unlike in France where Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party made historic gains in an election last Sunday (June 30).