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Vanke Property (Overseas) Limited

(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 01036)


The board of directors (the ''Board'') of Vanke Property (Overseas) Limited (the

''Company'') is pleased to announce that in addition to the existing logo of the Company, (the ''Existing Logo''), the Company has adopted two new logos, and (the
''New Logos''), with effect from 29 January 2013.
One or more of the Existing Logo and the New Logos will be printed, depending on circumstances and interchangeably, on the Company's corporate documents including but not limited to share certificates, interim reports, annual reports, announcements and circulars.
The adoption of the New Logos will not affect any of the rights of the existing shareholders of the Company, the Company's daily business operation and its financial position, and the validity of the Existing Logo.
By Order of the Board

Vanke Property (Overseas) Limited

Que Dong Wu

Executive Director

30 January 2013, Hong Kong

As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company: Executive Directors:

Mr. Zhang Xu and Ms. Que Dong Wu

Non-Executive Directors:

Mr. Wang Wen Jin and Mr. Chan Chi Yu

Independent Non-Executive Directors (in alphabetical order):

Mr. Chan Wai Hei, William, Mr. Chung Wai Sum, Patrick and Mr. Shium Soon Kong

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