Price Praises Inclusion of Realistic Scoring Analysis in House Rules Package

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, M.D. (GA-06) issued the following statement today after the House of Representatives approved its rules package for the 114th Congress. Chairman Price praised the inclusion of a provision that will ensure lawmakers have a more realistic and honest analysis of the budgetary and economic impact of major legislation, saying:

"The inclusion of this realistic analysis provision in the House rules is an important victory in a larger effort to bring more transparency and accountability to the legislative process on behalf of American families. As history has shown and common sense would lead one to believe, laws passed by Congress can have a broad effect on the nation's economic activity, on job creation and investment decisions. What we are saying is let us take what the experts at CBO and JCT can measure about the real-world impact of policies and incorporate those more realistic assessments into an honest analysis that policymakers can use to make better informed decisions."

To learn more about the need for macroeconomic scoring, please click here.


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