The Aging Population and Tightening Energy Regulations Create New Cooperation Models within the Building Industry

TECHNOPOLIS PLC      PRESS RELEASE       January 25, 2012 at 11.00

The Aging Population and Tightening Energy Regulations Create
New Cooperation Models within the Building Industry

The new energy efficiency requirements and the strongly
increasing demand for healthcare facility construction drive
building operators towards whole new cooperation in order to
find innovative solutions. The business cluster established by
Fira and Technopolis acts as a good example.

To be entered into force in July, the new building regulations
that improve energy efficiency bring along one of the greatest
changes in the entire Finnish building history. The regulations
put a tight rein on how much energy a new building can consume.
It also prescribes requirements associated with the building
shell and technical systems. The regulations also encourage
buildings to produce part of the energy they consume.

The new regulations have a strong impact on the design and
construction of building structures.

'Construction companies have never faced such development
pressures as they do currently. The new regulations add freedom
to design and create conditions for improving building quality.
However, we need unprejudiced cooperation between several
different operators, and new business models. Companies that can
offer inventive, reliable and low-cost energy efficiency
solutions have the upper hand,' says Miska Eriksson, Vice
President of construction company Fira.

The new E-factor sets a framework

The new energy regulations for the building industry are
summarized in the E-factor to be adopted in Finland in July. To
put it simply, this means that the factor indicates a building-
specific upper limit for energy consumption. The way the energy
used in the building has an impact on the energy certificate:
the more energy efficient the heating method, ventilation,
lighting and water heating system is, the better the E-factor
is. The method encourages to use renewable energy sources, such
as geothermal heat, and solar, wind and bioenergy.

'Through the adoption of the E-factor, direct electric heating
will no longer be installed in new detached houses,' Eriksson

The E-factor accelerates the need for more energy efficient
construction methods and raises the importance of quality
control. When insulation thicknesses in buildings increase,
there can be fewer errors within the structures.

Another trend which strongly guides the building industry is the
aging population. According to estimates, the need for various
nursing homes will double over the next ten years.

'We need to build dozens, even hundreds new nursing homes in
Finland at a very tight schedule. In order to be able to build
nursing homes of different sizes fast and energy efficiently, we
are now developing a totally new building concept,' Eriksson

Responding to challenges through cooperation

Specialized in service construction, Fira Oy, together with
Technopolis, decided to establish a cooperation cluster,
consisting of various construction companies. Its members
develop, offer and apply services that increase energy
efficiency and improve the utilization of renewable energy
sources within the building industry. The first ever event open
for new operators was organized as a video conference last week
with the aim of finding new solutions and members to join the
cluster. Over 50 participants from nine towns signed up for the

'We are looking for innovative partners that can offer solutions
to develop the energy efficiency of new building projects or
existing buildings. The tightening energy regulations should be
seen as a possibility which may give birth to new and innovative
business operations. Cooperation offers a good solution for the
common challenges', says Kari Kokkonen, Director of Real Estate
Operations at Technopolis.

'In addition to increasing cooperation within the energy and
cleantech cluster, the leading idea is to have efficient and
unlimited operations. Through videoconferencing, we are able,
eco-efficiently while saving time, to find new ideas and
partners all over Finland - and possibly at an international
level', Kokkonen says.

The new energy efficiency regulations set by the Ministry of the
Environment enable a quicker transition towards the zero energy
construction required in EU directives. The tighter regulations
bring an improvement of 20 percent on average to the energy
efficiency required in the current building code.

More information

Miska Eriksson
Vice President
Fira Oy
Tel. +358 400 869 055,

Kari Kokkonen
Director, Real Estate Operations
Technopolis Plc
Tel. +358 46 712 0117,

Fira Oy is a growing construction company which modifies the
building industry. Its head office is located in Vantaa. Fira Oy
has a firm foothold in the Helsinki region where Fira has built
a number of demanding sites. Fira's annual turnover in 2011
stood at EUR 50 million. Fira builds business and factory
premises, power plants and nursing homes both for the private
and the public sector.

Technopolis Plc is a leading listed company specializing in
business environments and services for knowledge-based
companies. The Technopolis service portfolio combines business
and development services with modern facilities. At present,
approximately 20,000 people work and almost 1,300 companies do
business at Technopolis facilities in Espoo, Helsinki,
Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Tampere and Vantaa in
Finland, as well as St. Petersburg in Russia and Tallinn in
Estonia. Technopolis Plc is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

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