By Jeslyn Lerh
       SINGAPORE, July 18 (Reuters) - Onshore fuel oil stockpiles at key trading and storage
hub Singapore rebounded to a four-week high as net imports recovered, data showed on Thursday. 
    Inventories  rose 13.1% to 20.13 million barrels (3.17 million metric tons) in
the week ended July 17, after sliding last week, Enterprise Singapore data showed.    
    The rebound was led by a recovery in net imports, which more than doubled week-on-week to
about 790,000 tons, calculations based on the data showed. 
    Top cargo origins for the week were the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria, excluding storage
movements from Malaysia.  
    Asia received a low-sulfur straight-run fuel oil cargo from Nigeria's new Dangote refinery
for the first time in June, according to ship-tracking data and market sources. 
    Meanwhile, export volumes out of Singapore were mostly headed for Bangladesh and the
    Overall onshore inventories for fuel oil averaged lower per week in July so far, compared
with June. 
    Spot premiums for fuel oil have rebounded in recent sessions, with both high-sulfur and
low-sulfur premiums climbing nearer to $6 per ton this week.   
 Week to July 17, Fuel oil (in   Total        Total       Net Imports
 metric tons)                    Imports      Exports     
 AUSTRALIA                            30,586      25,656        4,931
 BANGLADESH                                0      19,067      -19,067
 CHINA                                     0          27          -27
 INDIA                                33,246           0       33,246
 INDONESIA                            33,618           4       33,613
 IRAQ                                 40,784           0       40,784
 MALAYSIA                            345,087      62,963      282,124
 NETHERLANDS                          29,066           0       29,066
 NIGERIA                              68,950           0       68,950
 PHILIPPINES                               0       9,992       -9,992
 THAILAND                              9,559           0        9,559
 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                309,618           0      309,618
 VIETNAM                               6,988         399        6,589
 TOTAL                               907,502     118,109      789,393
 (Data from Enterprise Singapore)   

 (Reporting by Jeslyn Lerh; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)