STORY: A strike at Samsung is now set to go on "indefinitely".

That was the word Wednesday from the union leading the stoppage.

The NSEU has about 30,000 members, representing almost a quarter of the tech giant's South Korean workforce.

It's demanding improved pay and leave, but says management has shown no willingness to talk since the strike began this week.

Union boss Son Woo-Mok spoke at a news conference Wednesday:

"The important things we are considering are the company's founding day holiday, wage increases, and improvements to the performance bonus system for union members. These will be the main priorities."

Samsung said the strike had caused no disruption to output so far.

The company said it remained committed to what it called "good-faith negotiations".

However, the walkout comes at a sensitive time, with the company racing to meet demand and beat competition for AI chips.

The union says about 6,500 workers have taken part in the stoppage so far.

It disputed reports of low participation rates, but says it is encouraging more workers to take part.