A recent report from Navigant Research examines the demand response (DR) market for the commercial and industrial (C&I) sector, including global market forecasts for capacity, sites, and revenue through 2023.

Following the Enron crisis in 2001 and the Northeast Blackout in 2003, DR programs began to take off in wholesale electricity markets around the country. Originating mainly as side programs that did not directly participate in the markets, large industrial customers began signing up and, gradually, smaller C&I customers followed, giving rise to today’s maturing market. Click to tweet: According to a recent report from Navigant Research, total C&I DR revenue is expected to reach nearly $40 billion from 2014 through 2023.

“As the market continues to grow, however, C&I DR costs for hardware, software, and communications are expected to begin to decline as technology advances and less hardware is required,” says Brett Feldman, senior research analyst with Navigant Research. “We also expect that the market will continue to evolve as tighter requirements are enforced by regulators.”

As DR becomes an even larger part of the resource base, according to the report, regulators and other market participants are proposing new policies to ensure reliable operations and efficient markets. Along with general economic market factors, such as low natural gas prices and coal and nuclear retirements, this increased regulatory scrutiny is also expected to affect the growth path of C&I DR.

The report, “Demand Response for Commercial & Industrial Markets,” examines the C&I DR market in five major geographic regions. The study provides an analysis of the major market drivers and barriers, as well as global market players and dynamics, associated with C&I DR. Global market forecasts for C&I DR capacity, sites, and revenue, broken out by segment and region, extend through 2023. The report also examines the key technologies related to C&I DR, as well as the competitive landscape. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.

About Navigant Research

Navigant Research, the dedicated research arm of Navigant, provides market research and benchmarking services for rapidly changing and often highly regulated industries. In the energy sector, Navigant Research focuses on in-depth analysis and reporting about global clean technology markets. The team’s research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of the Smart Energy, Smart Utilities, Smart Transportation, and Smart Buildings sectors. Additional information about Navigant Research can be found at www.navigantresearch.com.

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Navigant is a specialized, global expert services firm dedicated to assisting clients in creating and protecting value in the face of critical business risks and opportunities. Through senior level engagement with clients, Navigant professionals provide services that extend from expert and advisory work through implementation and outsourcing. The firm combines deep technical expertise in Disputes and Investigations, Economics, Financial Advisory and Management Consulting, with business pragmatism to address clients’ needs in highly regulated industries including Construction, Energy, Financial Services and Healthcare. More information about Navigant can be found at navigant.com.

* The information contained in this press release concerning the report, “Demand Response for Commercial & Industrial Markets,” is a summary and reflects Navigant Research’s current expectations based on market data and trend analysis. Market predictions and expectations are inherently uncertain and actual results may differ materially from those contained in this press release or the report. Please refer to the full report for a complete understanding of the assumptions underlying the report’s conclusions and the methodologies used to create the report. Neither Navigant Research nor Navigant undertakes any obligation to update any of the information contained in this press release or the report.