Radaris, the public records search engine, has expanded its data to include more extensive family history records. The records include full names of family members and links to a detailed profile for each individual. The new data allows Radaris to give a more complete biography of every person listed on the site. It is included in both free profiles and premium reports.

Genealogy is the second most popular hobby in the country (after gardening) with nearly $2.3 billion spent each year on gaining access to family history records. This number has been increasing steadily due to interest in new DNA genetic testing and analysis, and greater access to established family trees, genealogy records and historical resources. Amateur genealogists account for more than 88 million ancestry related Google searches annually and often spend more than $1 thousand each year researching new records and resources.

While preliminary genealogical research frequently begins with interviewing parents, grandparents and known relatives, the next step is typically to find long lost relatives. The goal of this process is to document one’s life and family history in a form, such as a class family tree, that can be shared and maintained for future generations.

Radaris has added this new set of public record data to meet these new demands for the most current and accurate data available. Through the deeper family history records and family member data, Radaris customers can start to build their family tree now without unnecessary time or expense. The existing profiles supplement this research with the most recent contact information such as phone numbers and addresses without paying for a full report.

The new data is available today at Radaris.com for anyone to start a free genealogical research project by searching known relatives and following the linked profiles to recent family relations.

About Radaris
Radaris (https://radaris.com/) is a public records search engine. Radaris.com provides free public profiles along with premium background checks, contact information reports and other information tools.

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