Pennington Fund is pleased to announce its Annual Summary and Fourth Quarter Dividends.

Dividends and Earnings, 4Q-2020:

4Q-REIF Dividends equaled 1.42% and 4Q-REIF Earnings were 3.66%

4Q-CommFund Earnings 5.39%

4Q-Growth Fund Earnings 2.57%

4Q-Bond Fund Earnings 3.36%

4Q-Managed Trading Platform ("MTP") 46.3%

Annual NAV Growth for 2020:

2020-REIF NAV Growth 21.77%

2020-CommFund NAV Growth 23.26%

2020-Growth Fund NAV Growth 11.97%

2020-Bond Fund NAV Growth 7.52%

2020-Managed Trading Platform ("MTP") 86.9%

The Pennington Real Estate Investment Fund (REIF) grew 3.66 percent during the Fourth Quarter of 2020, and dividends were distributed January 06, 2020.

The Pennington REIF is a Fund-of-Funds that invests in Asian REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts). The Pennington REIF was designed to give investors the opportunity to profit from the Asian real estate market.

The current portfolio is comprised of over 60 REITs in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. These REITs invest in commercial properties in their respective countries.

The Pennington REIF has consistently yielded high returns since its inception in 2009.

See the REIF Fact Sheet:

See the REIF Data Sheet:

The typical investment is $25,000-USD for a Full Position in the REIF.

The Pennington Commodities Fund grew 5.39 percent during the Fourth Quarter of 2020.

The Pennington Commodities Fund is an actively managed hedge fund involved in managed futures and commodity trading. It invests directly into commodities such as precious metals and crude oil, as well as companies that cultivate these commodities, such as mining and offshore drilling companies.

The Pennington Commodities Fund has expanded rapidly since its inception in 2010.

See the Commodities Fund Fact Sheet:

See the Commodities Fund Data Sheet:

The minimum investment is $25,000-USD for the Pennington Commodities Fund.

The Pennington Managed Trading Platform ("MTP") grew 46.3 percent during the Fourth Quarter of 2020.

Please note the differences between the MTP and our other funds:

- MTP offers a minimum return guarantee.

- MTP maturity is 12 months, whereas other funds range from 24-36 months.

- MTP values are updated monthly, whereas fund values are updated daily.

- MTP requires separate agreement, funds do not.

- Add investments to MTP during first 3 quarters without affecting maturity date. Investments added to our other funds create a new maturity date.

- The minimum investment is $100,000-USD for the Pennington "MTP".

More about the Pennington Managed Trading Platform: ("MTP")

About Us:

Pennington Fund is an Asian-based industry leader in both multi and single-strategy hedge fund investments with over two billion USD in total assets under management allocated between 6 sub-funds and our managed trading platform. Operating as a self-contained entrepreneurial group for over 20 years, we maintain strong partnerships with various Asian government sovereign funds and pension systems.

NOTE: Pennington accepts only Accredited/Qualified Investors who are approved after submitting this online application form:

Related Links:

Pennington Trading Website:

Pennington Fund Website:

Pennington Fund EurekaHedge Listings: