January 16, 2014 10:45 AM

Social consultations have been launched for discussing the INTERREG EUROPE programme, one of the inter-regional partnership programmes for the period 2014-2020.

The thirty participating countries (EU member states as well as Norway and Switzerland) have completed - through the assistance of the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the preceding programme of 2007-2008 entitled INTERREG IVC as well as external experts - a final draft of the cooperation programme. The assessment of the environmental impact of the programme is summarized by the environmental report.

In the next 10 weeks, drafters of the programme are expecting the opinions and remarks of those interested in the topic. Any natural or legal entity (e.g.: local, regional and national authorities, economic and social partners of the programmes, NGOs, etc.) is allowed and welcome to take part in the consultation process.

The Joint Technical Secretariat has set up an online survey which facilitates the gathering and uncomplicated assessment of responses. The questionnaire is in the English language and responses are also expected to be in English. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Responses to the survey are to be sent to the official website of the INTERREG IVC programme, but if desired it can also be downloaded in pdf format.

For further information please go to the official website of INTERREG IVC.

We appreciate your responses and remarks!

(Ministry for National Economy)

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