MedExpert offers a unique solution for employers to keep employees safe while complying with new laws relating to COVID-19 exposure. The program is free to companies with fewer than 10 employees.

On January 1 new California laws went into effect to keep employees safe from COVID-19 worksite exposure. Every California employer is required to track COVID-19 cases and provide exhaustive notice in the event of a COVID-19 exposure in the workplace.

“Many of our clients lack the infrastructure to reliably coordinate what is required to be compliant,” states Maryann Mason, SVP Medical Informatics. “The consequences for non-compliance are serious and the confusion is massive.”

“MedExpert has a solution to keep employees safe while protecting employers and providing a simple way to stay in business without getting crushed under new regulatory burdens,” Mason said.

The new law requires employers to provide written notices to employees and subcontractors within one day of exposure. Employers must also track exposure events and provide reporting measures to Cal/OSHA and other agencies in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.

AB 685 and Cal/OSHA’s new regulations accelerate the timeline for issuing serious citations, resulting in large fines and business closures. Usually Cal/OSHA citations provide employers 15 days to contest a citation. AB 685 removes the notice period for COVID-19 related hazards which means businesses can get shut down immediately.

MedExpert has decades of experience managing medical and health information. It launched COVID-19 compliance solutions to ease the burden on employers.

“MedExpert has provided medical management and other programs to our members since 2007,” says Rick Silva, Administrator, UFCW & Employers Benefit Trust. “In December, we implemented MedExpert’s COVID-19 Compliance solution. The new California law will be in effect until January 1, 2023, and we anticipate working with MedExpert during this time through the evolution of vaccine passports, testing, notifications, daily screenings and tracing,” Silva said.

MedExpert offers the AB 685 compliance solution free to employers with 10 or fewer employees. “Small businesses have been disproportionately hit by the pandemic and MedExpert can help,” Mason said. To register and learn more about MedExpert’s Compliance programs, go to