Lumus, a leading developer of transparent augmented reality (AR) displays, introduced its latest technology today at CES 2018, including the unveiling of its widely anticipated Vision optical engine, which is being produced to address the demand for AR visors. Visitors to the Lumus booth on the floor of the AR/VR section at CES Las Vegas Convention Center’s South Hall can experience their first look at the new high-resolution, top-down, 40 degree field of view AR optical engine. Lumus is also providing guests a sneak peek at its next optical engine, targeting the glasses form factor.

The Vision optical engine technology represents a significant technical achievement for Lumus as it allows for full peripheral vision and 1080-pixel resolution. The news follows on the heels of its announcement that a leading Taiwanese ODM will mass produce several augmented reality optical engines as well as headsets powered with Lumus optics.

Built as a reference design for OEMs and ODMs who want to explore using the aesthetic and see-through optics, the Vision development kit (DK-Vision) is size-adjustable and features Lumus’ leading AR displays inside. The Vision optical engine (OE Vision) is the first of several new products the company is releasing into the accelerating consumer market. CES attendees can try out the new displays at the Lumus booth (Tech East, South Hall 1, #21330) to experience the company’s renowned AR display technology.

“From ongoing discussions with tier one companies and major ODMs working on AR products, we see an early market of millions of users for whom a visor-styled device will be ideal to advance their AR journey,” Lumus CEO Ari Grobman says. “Naturally, there’s another camp of consumers who will insist on a device that better resembles a pair of glasses. Lumus is developing AR displays with this camp in mind as well–so stay tuned.”

The Lumus optical engine is at the heart of a uniquely compelling AR experience. Based on patented reflective waveguide technology, Lumus AR displays allow projected light to travel through a transparent lens and project a bright, crystal-clear AR image when light reaches the user’s field of view. Lumus optics are nearly distortion-free and project bright digital images indoors or outdoors.

In addition to the wide FoV, key aspects of the latest Lumus Vision optical engine features:

  • Top-down orientation
  • 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution, with full resolution in 3D mode
  • True transparent, undistorted view of the physical world (and the wearer’s vision)
  • Waveguide thickness less than 2 mm
  • True color
  • Daylight readability

About Lumus

Lumus ( believes the Future is Looking Up, and is working with today’s leading augmented reality (AR) and smart eyewear manufacturers to free the world from the limitations of screen-based living. Lumus develops and produces exceptional transparent AR displays that fuse the digital and physical worlds like never before. Lumus optics are the core foundational technology on which top global OEM brands are basing their products. Lumus’ patented LOE optical technology enables true see-through performance and a wide field of view in the most natural-looking, sleek and compact design possible today. Lumus optics are battle tested with military aviation, health care, and logistics among the industries utilizing the company’s optical engines.