Kyruus announced today that Graham Gardner, the company's Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, has been selected to participate on the Digital Health Panel at the 32nd Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference.

The panel discussion will be held at 5pm PT on Monday, January 13, 2014 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco, CA., and will feature leading companies that are addressing today's most pressing challenges in the healthcare industry. Dr. Gardner will speak about Kyruus' ProviderMatch - a software platform used by leading hospitals and healthcare delivery systems to improve Patient Access and Referral Management.

About Kyruus

Kyruus is a provider solutions company that helps hospitals and health systems optimize their Patient Access, Referral Management, and Care Coordination operations. Using a Big Data approach, the company enables the integration of massive amounts of information into actionable, operational workflows so that organizations can achieve their growth, patient retention, and provider engagement goals. For more information, please visit

Kent Siri, 617-419-2060