The Super Bowl is arguably the single-biggest night in advertising and marketers are signing up to pay top dollar this year. The 30-second spots averaging at a record-breaking $4.5 million apiece and several brands are already driving towards the goal line by signing up and adding to the social media conversation. As advertisers seek to strengthen their brands, faculty from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University are available to discuss why brands are paying the immense price tag, what brands will be featured in this year’s commercials, the social media buzz and winning and losing advertising strategies.



The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University will conduct its 11th annual Kellogg School Super Bowl Advertising Review. Marketing faculty and students will watch the Super Bowl, rate the advertisers using a set of academic criteria known as ADPLAN and produce a final ranking of the most – and least – successful advertisers. Leading up to Super Bowl XLIX, Professors Tim Calkins and Derek Rucker, co-leaders of the Ad Review, are available to discuss advertising trends, strategies and predictions related to this year’s big game, including:

What are the big advertising trends for the 2015 Super Bowl? What changes can viewers expect this year as compared to previous years?

Why do some brands score big and others fumble?

What qualities are essential in producing a winning Super Bowl ad?

How can we expect advertisers to take advantage of social media and real time marketing in 2015?



Professor Tim Calkins is a clinical professor of marketing at the Kellogg School. Calkins teaches courses in marketing strategy and acts as co-academic director of the school’s branding program. He is also the author of Defending Your Brand, How Smart Companies Use Defensive Strategy to Deal with Competitive Attacks, as well as Breakthrough Marketing Plans.


Professor Derek D. Rucker is the Sandy & Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies in Marketing at the Kellogg School. Rucker’s primary research focuses on the study of attitudes, persuasion, and social influence. A Kellogg School faculty member since 2005, Rucker has been published in a number of academic journals and is the co-director of the school’s Center for Global Marketing Practice.



Professors Rucker and Calkins are available for interviews leading up to the Super Bowl. They also are available the day of the game, Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015, and Monday, Feb. 2, 2015 for interviews via e-mail, phone or in-person.

More info:

To schedule an interview or learn more about the Kellogg Super Bowl Advertising Review, contact Taryn Tawoda or Molly Lynch (information below). To learn more, visit