Interactions, a leader in experiential retail marketing and part of Daymon, the global leader in consumables retailing, released today a new Retail Perceptions study: “Winter Shopping Trend Report.” The survey of more than 1,000 shoppers takes a closer look at shopping behaviors this winter season.

“Retailers can overcome the typical post-holiday slowdown that takes place in January and February by providing engaging and unique shopping experiences to customers,” said Bharat Rupani, President of Interactions. “We’ve found that shoppers are not opposed to spending in the remaining winter months when engaged with appropriately.”

Some of the ways retailers can engage consumers include:

1. Year-Round Shopping
Nearly 20 percent of shoppers began making holiday purchases before Halloween last year. Retailers have the opportunity to increase the number of pre-holiday sales by running promotions year-round.
2. Be Accessible
Eighty-eight percent (88%) say that convenience factored into their holiday shopping. Shoppers want to access retail channels whenever and however they want. They are using social media before they visit a retailer, and using retailers’ mobile apps while they are in the store, to find deals, read reviews, and compare product information. Sixty-two percent (62%) of shoppers used a retailer’s app while shopping in store to compare products.
3. Offer Variety
Shoppers are visiting more stores in order to find the best deals. Last year, 44 percent of shoppers visited more than six stores to find the perfect product. Retailers should take advantage of this mindset by offering variety through experience and creating in-store destinations – 59 percent surveyed say they prefer a variety of in-store product demonstrations and 49 percent like having food and drinks available while shopping.
4. Inspire Shoppers
Retailers can use established technologies such as social media and mobile apps as well as emerging technologies like virtual and augmented reality to inspire shoppers and create individualized experiences. Forty-four percent (44%) of shoppers are willing to share personal information with retailers in exchange for personalized deals.

Editor’s Note: To receive a copy of “Winter Shopping Trend Report” visit:

About Interactions

Founded in 1988, Interactions is the global leader in innovative retail solutions and experiential marketing for retailers and brands. For more information on Interactions, visit