Percepta Associates announces the launch of its Series 4 Nucleic Acid Purification Life Science Dashboard TM market research report for North America and Europe that reveals opportunities for suppliers in several of market segments analyzed including NGS library preparation for both RNA and DNA. The fifteen market segments analyzed in this report include: gel extraction, post-reaction cleanup, plasmid DNA (mini/midi/maxi prep), genomic DNA isolation (cells/tissue, whole blood, FFPE tissue), NGS library prep (DNA, RNA), total RNA (cells/tissue, whole blood, FFPE tissue), mRNA and microRNA. Qiagen continues to lead in most segments, though in certain areas Life Technologies, Illumina and Promega show a strong presence.

"With low to mid-single digit annual growth rates and moderate/high satisfaction levels this market has grown increasingly less competitive. However, almost 40% of respondents that use NGS library sample prep methods indicate an interest in switching suppliers," said Sarab Khandpur, Associate Consultant and Editor of the Life Science Dashboard TM publications. "This 2013 Nucleic Acid Purification Life Science DashboardTM report provides a detailed analysis of end user practices and preferences for key segments at a level of detail unlike reports in this space."

The report is a comprehensive survey of 560 academic and commercial research scientists in North America and Europe, which illuminates several key market indices such as:

  • Overall and segment market sizes & market growth rates
  • Market leader by respondent location (NA vs. EU) and place of employment (academia vs. industry)
  • Reaction throughput rates
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Propensity to switch
  • Competitive landscape
  • Perceived pricing
  • Technique usage frequency
  • Downstream applications
  • Desired product changes

*27 life science supply companies are cited by respondents in this report:

  • Active Motif
  • Affymetrix/USB
  • Agilent/Stratagene
  • Beckman Coulter/Agencourt
  • Bio Basic
  • Bioo Scientific
  • Bio-Rad
  • Exiqon
  • GE healthcare
  • Illumina/Epicentre
  • IntegenX
  • Kapa Biosystems
  • Life Technologies/Invitrogen/Ambion
  • Lucigen
  • Macherey Nagel
  • Merck/EMD Millipore/Novagen
  • Mo Bio Laboratories
  • MP Biomedicals/Qbiogene
  • New England Biolabs
  • Omega Bio-Tek
  • Promega
  • Qiagen/SABiosciences
  • Roche Applied Science
  • Sigma Aldrich (NASDAQ:SIAL)
  • TaKaRa/Clontech
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE:TMO)
  • Zymo Research

To view the 2013 Nucleic Acid Purification DashboardTM sample data and table of contents, please click on the link below:

About Percepta

Founded in 2005 in Carlsbad, California Percepta is a specialized consultancy providing market assessment, product development and pricing, brand assessment and development, market planning, ad concept and message testing and due diligence services to life science research suppliers globally. For more information visit: or call 877 597 9236.

Percepta Associates Inc.
Anne St Louis