Few hum­ble ingre­di­ents pro­vide such com­fort and sus­te­nance as greens and beans.

By beans, we nat­u­rally mean legumes- that class of veg­eta­bles that include lentils, peas and beans of all types.

Can­nellini, Ital­ian, chick peas (gar­banzo), black, white, navy, north­ern, lima, fava, Adzuki and but­ter top the list of pow­er­house beans.

Legumes are typ­i­cally low in fat, con­tain­ing no cho­les­terol, and are high in folate, potas­sium, iron and mag­ne­sium. A good source of pro­tein, legumes can be a healthy alter­na­tive to meat.

Due to their blend of fiber, pro­tein and nutri­ents, legumes aid in blood sugar reg­u­la­tion more than almost any other food group, a key qual­ity for dia­bet­ics and those con­cerned with main­tain­ing sta­ble insulin response.

They are a fine com­pan­ion to the often neglected fam­ily of cook­ing greens. The kale craze has encour­aged more respect and exper­i­men­ta­tion with dark, leafy greens in recent days. Paired with beans, the magic unfolds.

Sev­eral vari­eties of greens hail from the cru­cif­er­ous fam­ily of veg­eta­bles, known for their liver detox­i­fi­ca­tion and anti-​cancer prop­er­ties.

These include kale, col­lards, mus­tard greens, and bok choy.

Other famil­iar greens come from the cheno­pod fam­ily, such as spinach and chards. These are more del­i­cate than the cru­cif­er­ous greens, and don't require as much cook­ing.

Greens and beans have been a cor­ner­stone of the pop­u­lar Mediter­ranean diet. This clas­sic com­bi­na­tion can be made a thou­sand ways depend­ing on what's in the pantry and fridge.

Break out leeks, car­rots, cel­ery, pep­pers and onions if the mood strikes and they are in the mar­ket. Win­ter greens are often the most local and abun­dant veg­etable avail­able to us, along with root veg­gies.

Start with chick­peas and cab­bage, white beans and Tus­can kale, or lentils and broc­coli rabe. Work up to other more exotic dishes by adding gin­ger, gar­lic, lemon­grass and other herbs and spices.

Com­fort­ing, nutri­tious and sat­is­fy­ing, a bowl full of beans and greens soothes the win­ter beast. Add a grate of cheese, glass of wine and slice of crusty bread, din­ner is made!

General Produce Co. LP published this content on 10 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 January 2017 02:04:18 UTC.

Original documenthttps://www.generalproduce.com/news/market-report/960-greens-and-beans

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