DreamHost®, a global leader in web hosting and Managed WordPress services, is pleased to announce its commitment to the principles outlined in a “Contract for the Web” created by the inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

The full text of the contract, designed to hold governments, companies, and citizens of the world to keeping the internet accessible and safe to all while minimizing misinformation and human indignity, is slated to be complete in May 2019. By that time fully half of the world’s population is expected to have access to the internet. Berners-Lee and his World Wide Web Foundation are currently asking governments, companies, and individuals to commit to the contracts’ outlined principles.

“When we first learned of the ‘Contract for the Web,’ signing on in support of its principles was imperative,” said Brett Dunst, DreamHost’s vice president of corporate communications. “These principles represent views and practices that have been ingrained in DreamHost’s culture since our earliest days. DreamHost has always been passionate about an Open Web that values safety, privacy, and accessibility — that’s what this contract is fighting for.”

Joining entities like Google, Facebook, and Cloudflare, DreamHost is one of the first in the Managed WordPress world to sign on in support of the “Contract for the Web’s” principles. In the future, Berners-Lee and his World Wide Web Foundation are hopeful that the contract’s principles could eventually be adopted by the United Nations or the G7. The contract is sponsored and promoted as a part of the Foundation’s “For the Web” campaign.

“Supporting a free and open web just makes sense. Something as powerful as the web requires constant protection, and this contract represents a strong step in that direction. Providing affordable access, respect for personal information, and embracing empowering technologies...these are not unreasonable or difficult things to offer. These principles ensure that the web will continue to work for humanity, not against it,” said Dunst. “The internet is our present and our future, and DreamHost will always do its part in ensuring it’s open and safe for all users.”

The principles can be found on https://contractfortheweb.org/ where internet users are being encouraged to sign on behalf of themselves and their businesses.

About DreamHost

DreamHost is a premier Managed WordPress hosting provider, giving over 400,000 businesses, developers and content creators worldwide the tools they need to own their digital presence. Powered by a strong team of industry experts with nearly two decades of advanced web experience, DreamHost is a leader in Managed WordPress hosting. Supporting the open source community with dedicated resources and top-tier talent, DreamHost believes in the power of the Open Web and the people that make it happen. Founded in 1997, DreamHost has offices in Los Angeles and Orange County, California and in Portland, Oregon. Learn more at DreamHost.com.

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